
Financial support for training in statistics, quantitative methods, and data analysis

The ICPSR Summer Program offers more than $150,000 in student scholarships every year. Our goal is to remove financial barriers to participation and increase access to statistical methods training for students of all different backgrounds. We are committed to providing the next generation of researchers with the skills, knowledge, and connections they need to do innovative, impactful work.

What do the scholarships cover?

ICPSR scholarships (see list below) provide registration fee waivers to our General Sessions, a comprehensive methods training program comprising courses in statistics, regression analysis, machine learning, network analysis, longitudinal analysis, time series analysis, formal models, data visualization, and more. The Diversity and Miller Scholarships also provide on-campus housing and meals.

How to apply

You must fill out the application form and submit all required materials through our scholarship application manager.

Application deadline

We are no longer accepting scholarship applications for the 2024 ICPSR Summer Program. Please check back in early January 2025 for the 2025 ICPSR scholarship application.

ICPSR Scholarships

External Organization Scholarships

Several organizations outside of ICPSR also provide funding to attend our General Sessions. If you have questions about eligibility or application procedures, please contact the sponsoring organization for more information.

"The ICPSR Summer Program has contributed so much to my personal growth. Not only did I acquire new (and master existing) statistics skills but I also gained valuable connections, grew professionally, and found a community of scholars that inspire and support me."

ICPSR Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to the

2024 Scholarship Recipients

2023 Scholarship Recipients

2022 Scholarship Recipients

2021 Scholarship Recipients

2020 Scholarship Recipients

2019 Scholarship Recipients

2018 Scholarship Recipients

2017 Scholarship Recipients

2016 Scholarship Recipients

2015 Scholarship Recipients

2014 Scholarship Recipients