Announcing the 2021 ICPSR Visiting Representative Fellowship!

Apply now to the new ICPSR Visiting Representative Fellowship! Fellows will create a virtual data-driven resource for the ICPSR community, and will receive travel and lodging for the Biennial Meeting at the University of Michigan in October 2021, as well as a $500 honorarium and the appreciation of the ICPSR Consortium membership.

What is the ICPSR Visiting Representative Fellowship?

Do you include data in your teaching and want to create an online module for use by other faculty?

Has your work with data users given you an idea for a resource that would be beneficial to the broader ICPSR community?

Have you developed (or thought about developing) a series of lesson plans, presentations etc. to tailor ICPSR’s message for a particular group on your campus?

If you answered “yes” to -- or were intrigued by -- any of the above questions, the ICPSR Visiting Representative Fellowship might be for you!

ICPSR’s Official and Designated Representatives (ORs and DRs) bring a wealth of knowledge, experiences, and passions to their roles. The ICPSR Visiting Representative Fellowship is an opportunity to bring this expertise to a wider community, while at the same time increasing the offerings for data users, by engaging Representatives to create virtual resources that will be beneficial to ICPSR members.

The details:

Who can apply? 

ORs and DRs from ICPSR member institutions. We plan to support up to two fellows in 2021, so if you have a “partner in crime,” applications from pairs are welcomed! Representatives from traditionally under-resourced institutions (or with ideas that benefit those at such institutions) are especially encouraged to apply.

Deadline to apply:

April 16, 2021 (Fellows will be notified in May)

What is involved?

Give me an example of a project:

Two popular teaching resources, Investigating Community and Social Capital and Exploring Data through Research Literature, were created by ORs for use in their own work and then shared through ICPSR. The Fellowship is intended to create similar resources for the use of the ICPSR community.

And the credit goes to…? You! Your name and bio will be attached to the resource you create and you’ll have access to measures of impact (e.g. number of downloads, etc.) for your own professional materials.

Questions? Contact