Usage of Elements Across a Sample of Organizations

Australia National University's Information Literacy Program DPM Template (ANU) is a formatted template directed at researchers in any discipline. It asks researchers to describe their project and procedures, as well as detail a number of decisions that should have been made regarding data management.
The Australian National Data Service describes its focus as service delivery programs for researchers, and as such created Data Management Planning (ANDS), a document that gives information on the general importance of data management, and lists the questions that should be answered in a data management plan.
The Digital Curation Centre created its Data Management Plan Content Checklist (DCC) and associated populable plan template to serve as "a comprehensive list of the details that researchers may be asked to include in such plans." Taking the form of a list of questions and requests for descriptions, the document is aimed at data curators and researchers.
The Finnish Social Science Data Archive's Data Management Planning Website (FSSDA) lists questions that should be answered in a data management plan. It is aimed at social science researchers in particular, with additional links to information regarding informed consent.
Geoscience Australia's Guide to Preparation of Data Management Plans (DPMs) (Geo Aus) is directed at companies that have gained government contracts for natural resource exploration and production activities, giving information on how to meet the data management plan requirement of the Petroleum (Submerged Lands)(Data Management) Regulations.
MIT Libraries' Data Management Webpage (MIT) is a resource that provides a list of questions that should be answered in data management plan, as well as links to other organizations' tips on creating data sharing or management plans.
The National Science Board's Long-Lived Digital Data Collections Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century (NSB) is one of the foundational documents in the United States' current push for data sharing. It includes a recommendation that all grant applications include a data management plan, and gives broad guidelines for what should be included in that plan.
The National Science Foundation Directorate for Engineering's Data Management for NSF Engineering Directorate Proposals and Awards (NSF Eng) is the first document to directly address the coming NSF requirement. It was specifically written to assist engineering researchers who will be applying for NSF funding, giving general background on the requirement, and listing the contents of a successful plan.
The University of Melbourne's Research Data Management Plan Template (Melbourne) is aimed at university researchers, and takes the form of a populable template that also includes significant guidance for what questions should be answered in a sufficiently-described element. In a number of cases it gives direct advice on how data management should be handled.