

The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research is an organization of member institutions founded at the University of Michigan in 1962. This Constitution and the accompanying Bylaws establish the organizational identity for ICPSR. The Bylaws authorize ICPSR to affiliate for specific purposes with a host institution.

Article I. Name

This organization will be called the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR).

Article II. Purposes

The purposes of the ICPSR are to promote and facilitate research and instruction in the social sciences and related areas, by acquiring, developing, archiving, and disseminating data and documentation for instruction and research; conducting related instructional programs; conducting such other activities as may be authorized in accord with the Bylaws; and obtaining the resources necessary to accomplish these purposes.

Article III. Membership

The eligible membership of ICPSR includes: (1) institutions of higher education, units within institutions of higher education, and federations of educational institutions; and (2) such institutions and organizations as may subsequently be designated in accord with the Bylaws. Categories of membership will be designated in the Bylaws. Services will be provided to members and others in accord with the Bylaws.

Article IV. Governance

Each member will be represented by an Official Representative chosen by the member. Representation arrangements for federations and national memberships will be set forth in the Bylaws. The membership through the Official Representatives will elect a Council to serve as the Executive Committee of the membership, with authority to act on behalf of the member institutions, employ personnel, enter into contracts, and carry out activities to execute the purposes specified in Article II. The composition, election, and organization of the Council will be set forth in the Bylaws.

Article V. Voting Rights

Each member in good standing, as specified in the Bylaws, will have one vote, to be cast by the Official Representative designated by the member.

Article VI. Meetings

The Council will hold regular and special meetings as provided in the Bylaws, but no less than once a year. The Official Representatives will meet at regular intervals as provided in the Bylaws.

Article VII. Dues

The Council will establish annual membership dues, which may vary according to category of membership and be separately negotiated for each federation and national membership. Members must be notified one year in advance of an increase in dues.

Article VIII. Fiscal Policies

Membership dues are to be used exclusively to finance activities and services on behalf of member institutions in accord with the purposes specified in Article II. Under the direction and with the approval of the Council, and congruent with its purposes, ICPSR may charge fees and seek and expend funds in addition to membership dues.

Article IX. Bylaws

ICPSR may adopt Bylaws, consistent with this Constitution, for the conduct of its affairs. Bylaws may be enacted, amended, or repealed: (1) by a two-thirds majority vote of all members of the Council eligible to vote, at a meeting of the Council or in a mail ballot after written notice of at least 30 days; or (2) by a majority vote of the Official Representatives eligible to vote, in a mail ballot after written notice of at least 90 days.

Article X. Amendments

Proposals to amend the Constitution may be initiated by majority vote of the Council or by a petition presented to the Council signed by Official Representatives of at least 25 member institutions. Amendments may be adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Official Representatives eligible to vote, in a mail ballot after written notice of at least 90 days.

Article XI. Ratification

This Constitution becomes effective when adopted by a two-thirds majority vote of all members of the Council eligible to vote.