CCDF Policies Database 2009-2022 Released by the Child and Family Data Archive!


The Child and Family Data Archive (CFData) is pleased to announce the release of the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Policies Database, 2009-2022 (ICPSR 38908).

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) provides federal money to states and territories to provide assistance to low-income families, to obtain quality child care so they can work, attend training, or receive education. Detailed, longitudinal analytic data files provide CCDF policy information for all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the United States Territories and outlying areas that capture the policies in effect at a point in time.

The CCDF Policies Database project is a comprehensive, up-to-date database of CCDF policy information that supports the needs of a variety of audiences through (1) analytic data files, (2) a project website and search tool, and (3) an annual report (Book of Tables). These are made available to researchers, administrators, and policymakers with the goal of addressing important questions concerning the effects of child care subsidy policies and practices on the children and families served.

The February 2023 OPRE fact sheet has instructions for searching the online CCDF Policies Database to locate the information about state and territory policy changes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The same steps can be used with the database downloaded from CFData.

The data are organized into 32 categories with each category of variables separated into its own dataset. The categories span five general areas of policy with selected policy information from the annual Book of Tables also provided as supplemental data files. Beginning with the 2020 files, the datasets drawn from the Book of Tables show policy information that is either not readily available in the database or that requires users to reference several database variables to determine the policy. More information is available in the User Guide for the supplemental data.

These data are downloadable from our website. For more information or for assistance with accessing the data, please contact us at

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Nov 30, 2023

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