Now Available! The American Family Health Study (AFHS), [United States], 2020-2022

A woman and man lift and swing a young boy happily by the hands while walking outside leaf covered grass in the fall. The smiling woman is Caucasian with curly, brown mid-length hair, and is wearing a burgundy long sleeve shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. The laughing boy is Caucasian with short blond hair and is wearing a long sleeve yellow shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes. The smiling man is Caucasian with short brown hair and is wearing a short sleeve dark green shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes.

DSDR is pleased to announce the release of the American Family Health Study (AFHS), [United States], 2020-2022 (ICPSR 38601).

AFHS focuses on a special group of households from across the United States that were randomly selected to take part in a study aimed at assessing the health of American individuals and families from 2020-2022. Randomly selected households initially received a link enabling a household member to complete a short questionnaire online in which simple information about the people who usually live in the sampled household was collected. Given eligibility requirements were met, one person from the household between the ages of 18 and 49 was then randomly selected to participate in a short survey, either online or by mail. The survey collected information on family life, marriage and divorce, having and raising children, health and health care, and related topics.

AFHS is lead by Brady T. West, Mick P. Couper, William G. Axinn, and James Wagner of the University of Michigan and is supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

Access the American Family Health Study (AFHS), [United States], 2020-2022 (ICPSR 38601) study page.

Nov 1, 2023

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