Just Released: Arts Research Quarterly, Issue 11

Arts Research Quarterly Issue 11


The National Endowment for the Arts and the National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture are excited to share the eleventh issue of Arts Research Quarterly!

This edition features “Arts and Culture Nonprofits as Civic Actors: Mapping Audience, Community, and Civic Engagement in Nonprofit Organizations,” an article by Mirae Kim and Jodi Benenson, discussing audience engagement and civic engagement in arts and culture nonprofits. In a second featured article, “Receptive and participatory arts engagement and subsequent healthy aging: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study,” Melinda Rena et al. investigated whether receptive and participatory arts engagement were associated with healthy aging two and four years later.

Don’t miss this issue’s other publications that explore telehealth music-enhanced reciprocal imitation training in autism, the impact of institutional and economic factors on the evolution of art history and the relationship between market structure and creativity, the role of poetry in fostering empathy related to caregiving and self-care, and more!

Have you used data from NADAC? Help us build capacity for better knowledge sharing. Tell us about your experience using NADAC on your favorite social media platform by tagging #nadacArtsData!
 Sunil Iyengar
Research & Analysis Director
NEA Office of Research & Analysis


About NADAC: The National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture (NADAC) is a repository that facilitates research on arts and culture by acquiring data, particularly those funded by federal agencies and other organizations, and sharing those data with researchers, policymakers, people in the arts and culture field, and the general public. It is one of several topical archives hosted by ICPSR, the largest social science data archive in the world and part of the University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research. NADAC is funded by the NEA. Thanks to the support from the NEA, users can obtain data from NADAC completely free of charge.



Oct 25, 2023

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