EHS-CC Partnerships Data Released by the Child and Family Data Archive!


The Child and Family Data Archive (CFData) is pleased to announce the release of the Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships Sustainability Study (ICPSR 37233). 

The Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships datasets contains data from two studies: (1) the 2016 National Descriptive Study (the NDS), which collected information about the 2015 EHS-CC Partnerships grantees and their child care partners (including child care centers and family child care providers) and the activities they engaged in to develop and maintain partnerships and meet the Head Start Program Performance Standards, assess their quality improvement needs, and support high quality caregiving and learning environments for infants and toddlers; and in 2022, (2) the Sustainability Study, following up on the NDS sample, examines how partnerships from the first round of grants had fared as of 2022 and factors that supported or impeded partnership sustainability. The Sustainability Study also looks at features of sustained partnerships (partnerships from the NDS that were still in place at the time of the Sustainability Study) as well as active partnerships (which include sustained partnerships as well as those that are
new since the NDS, and regardless of whether they are funded through an EHS-CC Partnerships grant).

Access to these data require an application. For more information or for assistance with accessing the data, please contact us at

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Oct 18, 2023

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