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Study Title/Investigator
Eurobarometer 82.1: Passenger Rights and Development Aid, September 2014 (ICPSR 36661)
European Commission
European Commission
The Eurobarometer series is a unique cross-national and cross-temporal survey program conducted on behalf of the European Commission. These surveys regularly monitor public opinion in the European Union (EU) member countries and consist of standard modules and special topic modules. The standard modules address attitudes towards European unification, institutions and policies, measurements for general socio-political orientations, as well as respondent and household demographics. The special topic modules address such topics as agriculture, education, natural environment and resources, public health, public safety and crime, and science and technology.
This round of Eurobarometer surveys covers the following special topics: (1)Passenger Rights and (2)Development Aid. Respondent's opinions were collected regarding their rights and experiences as passengers on board planes, rail, ship, and other public transportation means. They were asked about disruptions, delays, transportation mode, noise and assistance. Their opinions were also collected about EU development aid, poverty, and living conditions. They were asked where development aid should be used, for example, to improve health, education, water and sanitation, or a number of other areas. They were also asked where they obtained their information about development.
Demographic and other background information collected includes age, gender, nationality, marital status, left-right political self-placement, occupation, age when stopped full-time education, household composition, ownership of a fixed or mobile telephone and other durable goods, difficulties in paying bills, self-assessed level in society, self-assessed social class, and Internet use. In addition, country-specific data includes type and size of locality, region of residence, and language of interview (select countries).
The Army Map Service was a cartographic agency that focused on the compilation, publication, and distribution of military topographic maps. This collection contains georeferenced historical maps of India and Pakistan collected from 1955-1963 from the U502 series.
The maps are provided as TIFF files that include spatial references that can be read by GIS software. These maps are organized by segments which are then divided into square tiles. The corners of each of these tiles contain an anchor point with corresponding coordinates alongside additional anchor points like a: coastal region, legend, glossary, scale, and a location diagram.
Historical Transportation of Navigable Rivers, Canals, and Railroads in the United States (ICPSR 36353)
Atack, Jeremy
Atack, Jeremy
This collection contains GIS materials which cover the spread of different modes of transportation in the lower 48 states from America's founding through (approximately) 1911. There are three transportation modes included in this collection: canals, steamboat-navigated (as opposed to simply navigable) rivers, and railroads.
The GIS materials can be downloaded by accessing the "Other" link.