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Study Title/Investigator
These data are not available through ICPSR. To apply for access to the data please visit the China Family Panel Studies Web site.
The China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) is a nationally representative, annual longitudinal general social survey project designed to document changes in Chinese society, economy, population, education, and health. The CFPS was launched in 2010 by the the Institute of Social Science Survey (ISSS) of Peking University, China. The data were collected at the individual, family, and community levels and are targeted for use in academic research and public policy analysis. All members over age 9 in a sampled household are interviewed. These individuals constitute core members of the CFPS and follow-up of all core members of the CFPS is designed to take place on a yearly basis. CFPS focuses on the economic and non-economic well-being of the Chinese people, and covers topics such as economic activities, educational attainment, family relationships and dynamics, migration, and physical and mental health.
CRELES-2: Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study - Wave 2, 2006-2008 (Costa Rica Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable, Ronda 2) (ICPSR 31263)
Rosero-Bixby, Luis; Fernández, Xinia; Dow, William H.
Rosero-Bixby, Luis; Fernández, Xinia; Dow, William H.
The Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (CRELES, or Costa Rica Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable) is a nationally representative longitudinal survey of health and lifecourse experiences of 2,827 Costa Ricans ages 60 and over in 2005, the baseline collection. CRELES-2 refers to the second wave of visits in this longitudinal study, and includes the results from these visits. The first wave of interviews, or baseline, of CRELES is also available at The second wave fieldwork was conducted from October 2006 to July 2008, with 2,364 surviving and contacted participants. The original sample was drawn from Costa Rican residents in the 2000 population census who were born in 1945 or before, with an over-sample of the oldest-old (ages 95 and over). Vital statistics indicate that Costa Rica has an unusually high life expectancy for a middle-income country, even higher than that of the United States, but CRELES is the first nationally representative survey to investigate adult health levels in Costa Rica. CRELES public use data files contain information on a broad range of topics including self-reported physical health, psychological health, living conditions, health behaviors, health care utilization, social support, and socioeconomic status. Objective health indicators include anthropometrics, observed mobility, and biomarkers from fasting blood samples (such as cholesterol, glycosylated hemoglobin, and C-reactive protein). Mortality events are tracked and conditions surrounding death are measured in a surviving family interview.
CRELES-3: Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study - Wave 3, 2009 (Costa Rica Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable, Ronda 3) (ICPSR 35250)
Rosero-Bixby, Luis; Brenes, Gilbert; Dow, William H.
Rosero-Bixby, Luis; Brenes, Gilbert; Dow, William H.
The Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (CRELES, or Costa Rica Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable) is a nationally representative longitudinal survey of health and lifecourse experiences. CRELES-3 refers to the third wave of visits in this longitudinal study. The first two waves are available as ICPSR 26681 and ICPSR 31263. The original sample (Wave 1) was drawn from Costa Rican residents in the 2000 population census who were born in 1945 or before, with an over-sample of the oldest age range (ages 95 and over). A total of 2,827 Costa Ricans ages 60 and over participated in 2005. The second wave revisited the same participant group.
The data presented here represent the third wave of fieldwork that was conducted from February 2009 to January 2010, with 1,855 surviving and contacted participants. CRELES data include factors contributing to older adults' length and quality of life. Among these data are self-reported physical health, psychological health, living conditions, health behaviors, health care utilization, social support, and socioeconomic status. Objective health indicators typically included in this series are anthropometrics, observed mobility, and biomarkers from fasting blood (such as cholesterol,
glycosylated hemoglobin, and C-reactive protein). However, the third wave did not collect blood. Data regarding participants' deaths and conditions surrounding death were collected from interviews of surviving family members and are included in Wave 2 and Wave 3 data files. The collection includes a tracking file (Dataset 13) which links participants across the three waves and includes sampling weights. Demographic data included in the study include age during each wave, sex, marital status, education, number of children, type of housing, and geographic region in Costa Rica. Some elements of the demographic data are found only in Wave 1 and require linking the CRELES-3 data files with ICPSR 26681.
Current Population Survey: Annual Social and Economic (ASEC) Supplement Survey, 2015 (ICPSR 36525)
United States. Bureau of the Census; United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics
United States. Bureau of the Census; United States Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Annual Social and Economic (ASEC) 2015 Supplement is part of the Current Population Survey (CPS) Series. The CPS is a source of the official Government statistics on employment and unemployment. The Census Bureau conducts the ASEC (known as the Annual Demographic File prior to 2003) over a three-month period, in February, March, and April, with most of the data collected in the month of March. The ASEC uses two sets of survey questions, the basic CPS and a set of supplemental questions.
The CPS, administered monthly, is a labor force survey providing current estimates of the economic status and activities of the population of the United States. Specifically, the CPS provides estimates of total employment (both farm and nonfarm), nonfarm self-employed persons, domestics, and unpaid helpers in nonfarm family enterprises, wage, and salaried employees, and estimates of total unemployment.
In addition to the basic CPS questions, respondents were asked questions from the ASEC, which provides supplemental data on poverty, geographic mobility/migration, and work experience. Comprehensive work experience information was given on the employment status, occupation, and industry of persons aged 15 and over. Additional data for persons aged 15 and older were available concerning weeks worked and hours per week worked, reason not working full-time, total income and supplemental income components. Demographic variables include age, sex, race, Hispanic origin, marital status, veteran status, educational attainment, occupation, and income. Data on employment and income refer to the previous calendar year, although demographic data refer to the time of the survey.
The occupation and industry information variables in this data collection can help the data users identify individuals who worked in arts and culture related fields. The occupations are listed in a category entitled "Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations," which includes professions such as artists, designers, actors, musicians, and writers (see Appendix B of the User Guide for further category details). Industries related to the arts and culture are in the "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation" category (see Appendix C of the User Guide for further category details).
The ASEC data provided by the Census Bureau are distributed in a hierarchical file structure, with three record types present: Household, Family, and Person. The ASEC is designed to be a multistage stratified sample of housing units, where the hierarchical file structure can be thought of as a person within a family within a household unit. Here the main unit of analysis is the household unit.
Eurobarometer 81.5: Social Climate and Innovation in Science and Technology, June 2014 (ICPSR 36241)
European Commission
European Commission
The Eurobarometer series is a unique cross-national and cross-temporal survey program conducted on behalf of the European Commission. These surveys regularly monitor public opinion in the European Union (EU) member countries and consist of standard modules and special topic modules. The standard modules address attitudes towards European unification, institutions and policies, measurements for general socio-political orientations, as well as respondent and household demographics. The special topic modules address such topics as agriculture, education, natural environment and resources, public health, public safety and crime, and science and technology.
This round of Eurobarometer surveys includes the standard modules and covers the following special topics: (1) Social Climate, and (2) Science, Research and Innovation. Respondent's opinions were collected on life satisfaction, area of living, healthcare, pension system, unemployment benefits, cost of benefits, the way the country is run, cost of living and affordability of energy and housing, in present time, in next twelve months and compared to five years ago. Thoughts about why people live in poverty were collected, general trustworthiness of people, views on how to help solve social and economic problems and views about education. As it relates to Science Research and Innovation respondents were asked how people's actions will affect the following 15 years from now: fight against climate change, Protections of the environment, energy supply, health and medical care, job creation, availability and quality of food, as well as transport and transport infrastructure. Opinions were collected on priorities for science and technological innovation. Respondents were asked about their academic past in studying science and technology.
Demographic and other background information collected includes age, gender, nationality, marital status and parental relations, occupation, age when stopped full-time education, household composition, ownership of durable goods, difficulties in paying bills, self-assessed level in society, self-assessed social class, and Internet use. In addition, country-specific data includes type and size of locality, region of residence, and language of interview (select countries).
Eurobarometer 83.4: Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Discrimination of Minority Groups, May-June 2015 (ICPSR 36403)
European Commission
European Commission
The Eurobarometer series is a unique cross-national and cross-temporal survey program conducted on behalf of the European Commission. These surveys regularly monitor public opinion in the European Union (EU) member countries and consist of standard modules and special topic modules. The standard modules address attitudes towards European unification, institutions and policies, measurements for general socio-political orientations, as well as respondent and household demographics. The special topic modules address such topics as agriculture, education, natural environment and resources, public health, public safety and crime, and science and technology.
This round of Eurobarometer surveys includes the standard modules and covers the following special topics: (1) Climate Change, (2) Biodiversity, (3) and Discrimination of Minority Groups. Respondent's opinions were collected on which world issues they believed were the most serious problems, how serious the issue of climate change was and if the EU should be responsible for addressing it, and what actions the have personally taken to fight climate change. Additional questions were asked regarding biodiversity and the dangers presented problems such as the decline of natural habitats and animal and plant species, and how these issues should be addressed by various groups. Respondents were also queried about their knowledge of Natura 2000 and other nature protection networks. Lastly, respondents were questioned regarding their experiences of and attitudes toward discrimination.
Demographic and other background information collected includes age, gender, nationality, marital status and parental relations, occupation, age when stopped full-time education, left-right political self-placement, household composition, ownership of durable goods, difficulties in paying bills, self-assessed social class, and Internet use. In addition, country-specific data includes type and size of locality, region of residence, and language of interview (select countries).
Pre-archive/1st release version.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 1999 (ICPSR 35224)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 1999 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, and health and well-being. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2001 (ICPSR 35282)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2001 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2005 (ICPSR 35372)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2005 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, recreational vehicle use, financial knowledge, and voting behavior. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2006 (ICPSR 35384)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2006 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, developmental idealism and family life, mental health, and charitable donations. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, and respondents' use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2007 (ICPSR 35396)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2007 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were government data, respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, general feelings, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2008 (ICPSR 35408)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2008 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2009 (ICPSR 35420)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2009 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Respondents were asked about health care, general feelings, knowledge of data representing the state of the United States economy, and their political affiliation. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2010 (ICPSR 35432)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2010 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. This survey also asked respondents about independent living communities, leisure, political affiliation, and general feelings. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2012 (ICPSR 35456)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2012 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing homes, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, April 2013 (ICPSR 36443)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2013 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, tax changes and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2000 (ICPSR 35274)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2000 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, telephones, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, banking habits, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2001 (ICPSR 35286)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2001 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, and health and well-being. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2005 (ICPSR 35376)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2005 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, spending and working preferences, as well as general feelings. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, finance and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2006 (ICPSR 35388)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2006 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, general feelings and mental health, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2007 (ICPSR 35400)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2007 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2008 (ICPSR 35412)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2008 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2009 (ICPSR 35424)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2009 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Respondents were asked about health care, independent living communities, general feelings, and their familiarity with historical figures and phrases. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2010 (ICPSR 35436)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2010 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, and debt. This survey also asked respondents about political affiliation, health care, general feelings, and opinions on independent living communities. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2012 (ICPSR 35460)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Survey of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2012 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing homes, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, August 2013 (ICPSR 36477)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2013 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, vehicle financing, family income, and retirement planning.
Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 1999 (ICPSR 35232)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 1999 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan using, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, leader, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2001 (ICPSR 35290)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2001 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, and health and well-being. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2004 (ICPSR 35368)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior Series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2004 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2005 (ICPSR 35380)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2005 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, general feelings, and retirement planning.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, purchase, and use of automobiles, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2006 (ICPSR 35392)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2006 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, general feelings and mental health, and use of electronic banking.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2007 (ICPSR 35404)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2007 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, general feelings and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, and marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2008 (ICPSR 35416)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2008 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, appliances, furniture, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, general feelings and mental health, and political affiliation. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, martial status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2009 (ICPSR 35428)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2009 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Respondents were asked about health care, independent living communities, general feelings, and their political ideology.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, citizenship, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2010 (ICPSR 35440)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2010 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, opinions on independent living communities, and general feelings. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2011 (ICPSR 35452)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2011 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2012 (ICPSR 35464)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2012 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, December 2013 (ICPSR 36481)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2013 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 1999 (ICPSR 35222)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why these changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. This type of information is essential for forecasting changes in aggregate consumer behavior. Since the late 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 1999 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Additional questions inquired about buying intentions for automobiles and computers, and the respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income and sources of income, and respondents' ownership, lease, and use of automobiles. Other topics typically include respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet, electronic banking, and information on informed consent and confidentiality regarding the survey. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2001 (ICPSR 35280)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2001 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2005 (ICPSR 35370)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2005 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, recreational vehicles and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2006 (ICPSR 35382)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2006 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, mortgage refinancing, general feelings and mental health, willingness to give to charity, and television news viewing. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2007 (ICPSR 35394)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2007 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' general feelings, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2008 (ICPSR 35406)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2008 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, general feelings, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2009 (ICPSR 35418)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2009 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Also explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, retirement planning, and mortgages. Respondents were asked about general feelings and party affiliation. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2010 (ICPSR 35430)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2010 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, and other durables. Explored in this survey were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. This survey also asked respondents about health care, general feelings, world events, and independent living communities. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information include ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2012 (ICPSR 35454)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2012 focus on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographics information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2013 (ICPSR 36441)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2013 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, February 2014 (ICPSR 36637)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program.
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program.
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter.
The surveys conducted in 2014 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning.
Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.
Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior, January 2001 (ICPSR 35279)
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
University of Michigan. Survey Research Center. Economic Behavior Program
The Survey of Consumer Attitudes and Behavior series (also known as the Surveys of Consumers) was undertaken to measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations, to understand why such changes occur, and to evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary purchases. The data regularly include the Index of Consumer Sentiment, the Index of Current Economic Conditions, and the Index of Consumer Expectations. Since the 1940s, these surveys have been produced quarterly through 1977 and monthly thereafter. The surveys conducted in 2001 focused on topics such as evaluations and expectations about personal finances, employment, price changes, and the national business situation. Opinions were collected regarding respondents' appraisals of present market conditions for purchasing houses, automobiles, computers, and other durables. Also explored in this survey, were respondents' types of savings and financial investments, loan use, family income, and retirement planning. Other topics in this series typically include ownership, lease, and use of automobiles, respondents' use of personal computers at home and in the office, and respondents' familiarity with and use of the Internet. Demographic information includes ethnic origin, sex, age, marital status, and education.