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Study Title/Investigator
National Crime Victimization Survey: Supplemental Fraud Survey, [United States], 2017 (ICPSR 37825)
United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics
United States. Bureau of Justice Statistics
The Supplemental Fraud Survey (SFS) obtained additional information about fraud-related victimizations so that policymakers; academic researchers; practitioners at the federal, state, and local levels; and special interest groups who are concerned with these crimes can make informed decisions concerning policies and programs. The SFS asked questions related to victims' experiences with fraud. These responses are linked to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) survey instrument responses for a more complete understanding of the individual victim's circumstances.
The 2017 Supplemental Fraud Survey (SFS) was the first implementation of this supplement to the annual NCVS to obtain specific information about fraud-related victimization and disorder on a national level. Since the SFS is a supplement to the NCVS, it is conducted under the authority of Title 34, United States Code, section 10132. Only Census employees sworn to preserve confidentiality may see the completed questionnaires.