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Study Title/Investigator
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2013 (ICPSR 35218)
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle
orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly
assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different
subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core"
questions on demographics and drug use. There are about 1,400
variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by this survey
include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD,
hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate),
Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack
cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and
heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles
for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug
education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2014 (ICPSR 36263)
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Miech, Richard A.
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Miech, Richard A.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle
orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly
assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different
subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core"
questions on demographics and drug use. There are about 1,400
variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by this survey
include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD,
hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate),
Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack
cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and
heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles
for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug
education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2015 (ICPSR 36408)
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Miech, Richard A.
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Miech, Richard A.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle
orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly
assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different
subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core"
questions on demographics and drug use. There are about 1,400
variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by this survey
include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD,
hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate),
Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack
cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and
heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles
for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug
education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2016 (ICPSR 36798)
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Miech, Richard A.
Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Miech, Richard A.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle
orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly
assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different
subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core"
questions on demographics and drug use. There are about 1,400
variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by this survey
include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD,
hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate),
Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack
cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and
heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles
for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug
education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2017 (ICPSR 37182)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle
orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly
assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different
subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core"
questions on demographics and drug use. There are about 1,400
variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by this survey
include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD,
hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate),
Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack
cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and
heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles
for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug
education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2018 (ICPSR 37416)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle
orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly
assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different
subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core"
questions on demographics and drug use. There are about 1,400
variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by this survey
include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD,
hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate),
Quaaludes (methaqualone), sedatives/barbiturates, tranquilizers, cocaine, crack cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and
heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles
for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug
education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2019 (ICPSR 37841)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
These surveys of 12th-grade students are part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle
orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly
assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different
subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core"
questions on demographics and drug use. There are about 1,400
variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by this survey
include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD,
hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), sedatives/barbiturates, tranquilizers, cocaine, crack cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and
heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles
for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug
education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Highlights for 2019:
Change in methodology: half of the MTF schools completed in-class surveys on tablets loaded with the survey; the other half completed traditional paper-and-pencil surveys. Also see the Methodology section on this page for an overview and the codebook for details.
Expansion and revision of the study documentation in the codebook
New documentation available for download detailing the question adds/drops/changes to the surveys
Availability of supplemental data sets for previously unreleased questions
Two supplemental data files (DS8 and DS9) have been included this year by the Principal Investigators. These files each include three administrative variables for year (
), form (
), and ID (
) along with a few additional variables of survey questions not previously released for
Form 5 (DS8)
Form 6 (DS9)
between the years 2016 to 2018. These same variables are already present in the main 2019 data files for
Form 5 (DS6)
Form 6 (DS7)
. The front section of the codebook provides details about each of the variables. There are also instructions on how to merge the supplemental data on to the main data files for the previous three years:
2018 data (ICPSR 37416)
2017 data (ICPSR 37182)
2016 data (ICPSR 36798)
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2020 (ICPSR 38156)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of
contemporary American youth. Students are randomly assigned to complete one of
six questionnaires, each with a different subset of topical questions, but all
containing a set of "core" questions on demographics and drug use.
There are about 1,400 variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by
this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD, hallucinogens,
amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and heroin. Other topics include attitudes
toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations,
self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and
out of school).
Highlights for 2020:
All students recorded their survey answers on tablets that the project brought to the schools, preloaded with the MTF surveys.
Data collection was halted prematurely on March 15, 2020 when the University of Michigan stopped all projects that involved face-to-face data collection because of COVID-19 concerns. This resulted in a 2020 sample size about 25% the size of a regular data collection.
Guidance for combining grades for analysis: see Appendix C of the codebook.
Information about potential mode effects for questions on student attitudes and beliefs when comparing previous years' paper-based survey responses to the current tablet method of collection. Please see the codebook Introduction - Survey Mode section for details.
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2021 (ICPSR 38503)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of
contemporary American youth. Students are randomly assigned to complete one of
six questionnaires, each with a different subset of topical questions, but all
containing a set of "core" questions on demographics and drug use.
There are about 1,400 variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by
this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD, hallucinogens,
amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone),
barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy
butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and heroin. Other topics include attitudes
toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations,
self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and
out of school).
Highlights for 2021:
Data collection resumed in 2021,
with a change to all web-based surveys.
Students completed the surveys on
their personal or school-provided device.
Non-survey variables have been
changed or added to facilitate analyses. For details, please see the codebook
section "MTF Variable Information - Non-survey variables included in the
data files - Survey mode and design variables for 2021"
Information about "screen
break" issues, where series of questions were originally presented differently
in the web-based survey as compared to the 2019/2020 tablet surveys. Please see
the codebook and Appendix D for details.
For 12th grade: two additional changes
to the survey presentation. Please see the codebook section "MTF Variable
Information - Non-survey variables included in the data files", and respective
appendices for details.
Introduction of randomized blocks
of questions presented to students. Please see Appendix E.
Test of presentation of items in the
substance use consequences section on form 3. Please see Appendix F.
Additional information is documented in the
MTFQchanges2021byForm.pdf and MTFQchanges2021byType.pdf files available for
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2022 (ICPSR 38882)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that
explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of
contemporary American youth. Students are randomly assigned to complete one of
six questionnaires, each with a different subset of topical questions, but all
containing a set of "core" questions on demographics and drug use.
There are about 1,400 variables across the questionnaires. Drugs covered by
this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish,
prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD, hallucinogens,
amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone),
barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy
butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and heroin. Other topics include attitudes
toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations,
self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and
out of school).
Highlights for 2022:
Continuation of randomized blocks of questions presented to students. Please see Appendix D of the codebook.
Change to the question stem for some lifetime, 12 month, and 30 day heroin and marijuana use questions. Please see the Highlights for 2022 section in the codebook for more details.
Change to the heroin use questions: Separate questions about heroin use with a needle and heroin use without a needle for lifetime, past 12 months, and past 30 day timeframes are no longer asked. The separate questions have been replaced by the single question, "On how many occasions (if any), have you taken heroin... your lifetime?
...during the last 12 months?
...during the last 30 days?
Please see the Highlights for 2022 section in the codebook for more details.
Additional information is documented in the MTFQchanges2022byForm.pdf and MTFQchanges2022byType.pdf files available for download.
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth (12th-Grade Survey), 2023 (ICPSR 39172)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Patrick, Megan E.
This survey of 12th-grade students is part of a series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth. Students are randomly assigned to complete one of six questionnaires, each with a different subset of topical questions, but all containing a set of "core" questions on demographics and substance use. There are about 1,400 variables across the questionnaires. Substance use covered by this survey includes: tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, vaping, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), sedatives/barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate), ecstasy, methamphetamine, and heroin. Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Highlights for 2023:
12th grade only: Continuation of randomized blocks of questions presented to
students. Please see Appendix D of the codebook.
All grades: Change to the question stem for some lifetime, 12 month, and 30 day marijuana use questions.
Separate codebooks are generated by ICPSR for the core data file (DS1) and the six form-specific data files (DS2-DS7). The codebooks contain only the frequencies, question text, and response options for the survey items. Please see the documentation under DS0 Study-Level Files for the annual study documentation provided by MTF, 39172-0001-User_guide-UsersGuide.pdf.
Please see the Highlights for 2023 section in the codebook for more details.
Additional information is documented in the MTFQchanges2023byForm.pdf
and MTFQchanges2023byType.pdf files available for download.
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1976-1992: Concatenated Core File [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36922)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1976 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36903)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1977 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36904)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1978 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36905)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1979 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36906)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1980 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36907)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1981 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36908)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1982 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36909)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1983 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36910)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1984 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36911)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1985 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36912)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1986 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36913)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1987 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36914)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1988 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36915)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1989 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36916)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1990 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36917)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1991 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36919)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1992 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36921)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1993 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36924)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1994 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36926)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1995 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36927)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1996 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36928)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1997 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36929)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1998 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36930)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 1999 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36931)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2000 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36932)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2001 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36933)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2002 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36934)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2003 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36935)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2004 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36936)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2005 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36937)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2006 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36938)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2007 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36939)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2008 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36940)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2009 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36941)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2010 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36942)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2011 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36943)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2012 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36944)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).
Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of American Youth, 2013 [Restricted-Use] (ICPSR 36945)
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
Miech, Richard A.; Johnston, Lloyd D.; Bachman, Jerald G.; O'Malley, Patrick M.; Schulenberg, John E.; Patrick, Megan E.
This data collection is part of the Monitoring the Future series that explores changes in important values, behaviors, and lifestyle orientations of contemporary American youth in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The collection provides two datasets for each year since 1976 that are accessible only through the ICPSR Virtual Data Enclave VDE) and include original variables, including the unaltered weight variable, that in the public-use data were altered or omitted: one dataset without State, County, and Zip Code and one dataset including State, County, and Zip Code.
Use of the geographic identifiers such as state, county, or zip code is limited and researchers interested in these variables are encouraged to read FAQs: About MTF Restricted-Use Geographic and Other Variables.
Also included as part of each annual collection is a zip archive of the Monitoring the Future public-use data and documentation for each respective year. The basic research design used by the Monitoring the Future study involves annual data collections from eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders throughout the coterminous United States during the spring of each year. The 8th/10th grade surveys used four different questionnaire forms (and only two forms from 1991-1996) rather than the six used with seniors. Identical forms are used for both eighth and tenth grades, and for the most part, questionnaire content is drawn from the twelfth-grade questionnaires. Thus, key demographic variables and measures of drug use and related attitudes and beliefs are generally identical for all three grades. However, many fewer questions about lifestyles and values are included in the 8th/10th grade forms. Drugs covered by this survey include tobacco, smokeless tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, inhalants, steroids, LSD, hallucinogens, amphetamines (stimulants), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Quaaludes (methaqualone), barbiturates (tranquilizers), cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, heroin, and GHB (gamma hydroxy butyrate). Other topics include attitudes toward religion, changing roles for women, educational aspirations, self-esteem, exposure to drug education, and violence and crime (both in and out of school).