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Study Title/Investigator
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2008 (ICPSR 36468)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2009 (ICPSR 36483)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2010 (ICPSR 36484)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2011 (ICPSR 36485)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2012 (ICPSR 36486)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2013 (ICPSR 36487)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2014 (ICPSR 36488)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, 2015 (ICPSR 36489)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.
Federal Court Cases: Integrated Data Base Bankruptcy Petitions, [United States], 2016 (ICPSR 36655)
Federal Judicial Center
Federal Judicial Center
In 2008, the Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AOUSC) began implementing the NewSTATS (New Streamline Timely Access to Statistics) Project with respect to bankruptcy data. The project's goals were to modernize the system for collecting, processing, analyzing, and reporting statistics of the federal court system. Based on the records for bankruptcy cases in NewSTATS, a data base for internal use in the Research Division of the Federal Judicial Center has been created. That data base is the Bankruptcy Petition NewSTATS Snapshots [BPNS] Data Base.